
“Don’t belief the hype: it’s not that bad.”

Director Boll has a rep as the worst filmmaker ever, making movies based on video games entirely for tax writeoff purposes. But have things got out of hand? I mean, Bloodrayne was in the IMDB All-time Bottom 50 before it opened. So cut him some slack – even though we may be the only folk on this planet who admit to liking bits of House of the Dead. Still, despite a fine cast [any film with Udo Kier is okay by us!], uniformly dire reviews meant we went in to this with low expectations – and made up most of the audience. Ouch. Yet, despite rumours of Madsen being drunk every day, Kingsley refusing to act with Madsen – something leftover from Species, I guess – and Rodriguez’ horrendous attempt at an English accent, this wasn’t entirely terrible.

Not great, sure; but as someone from Britain, I knew right off Rodriguez wasn’t even trying. I think all she did was limit her normal accent – wise for a Hispanic in a setting of Romania, circa 1700. Anyway, she and Madsen are hunting down Rayne (Loken), a human/vampire halfbreed seeking king of the vampires Kagan (Kingsley), who raped and killed her mother. Kagan, in turn, is after three artifacts to protect him from water, crosses and sunlight. Basically, imagine a period take on Blade with less actual imagination and more digital blood. There is certainly potential; Loken looks the part (dig her groovy swords!), as does the landscape.

However, the action borders on the incoherent, provoking little or no sense of awe or excitement. Gossip also states most of the stars signed on about two weeks’ notice, and that would certainly explain their apparent large unfamiliarity with pointy weapons. From the reviews, you’d think this was worse than Plan 9 From Outer Space, yet ignoring the anti-Boll hype, it’s largely only the poor staging of the fights which prevent this from being, at the very least, a credible rental. However, an action film with bad action is like a horror film with bad scares, rendering the other ingredients largely irrelevant.

Dir: Uwe Boll
Stars: Kristina Loken, Michael Madsen, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Rodriguez

Taking Lives

“Another great concept is let down by depressingly obvious scripting.”

Rarely has a film started so promisingly, and gone so consistently downhill. The start is fabulous, with one of the most shocking moments I’ve seen…though if you’ve seen the trailer, you’ll have had it spoiled. But regardless, the first time we meet FBI profiler Illeana Scott (Jolie), on special assignment to Montreal, she’s lying in a grave. She is hard as nails, and takes absolutely no crap from anyone: her local friend, Captain Leclair (Karyo) hardly needs to bother protecting her, despite the nicely-handled cross-border tension. The case is that of a serial killer who, as the title suggests, inhabits the lives of his victims: the crack comes when his mother (Rowlands), believing him dead for two decades, spots him in Montreal by chance. However, the only other person to have seen the suspect is art-gallery owner James Costa (Hawke), but Scott starts finding her emotions getting in the way of her work…

Which is where the film loses its way, deflating like a leaky balloon. We are forced to watch the inevitable sexual tension between these two characters; seeing Scott go about her business would be infinitely less cliched and predictable. There is a twist that is so obvious you’d need to be unconscious not to see it coming – though I’d forgive you for falling asleep during the aforementioned sexual tension – and a final act that appears to have been taken from a bad 80’s slasher movie. These failings merely open the door for you to stare more closely at the plot, and you realise large chunks of it are on wobbly ground. For example, Scott deduces from a draft that a bookcase must conceal a hidden door: er, why not simply an A/C vent? Part Se7en, part Silence of the Lambs, this comes over as taking the less effective elements from each film, leaving the potential of a female Sherlock Holmes sadly under-realised.

Dir: D.J. Caruso
Stars: Angelina Jolie, Tchéky Karyo, Ethan Hawke, Gena Rowlands


“Teenage lesbians! With guns! How could they go wrong? Well…read on.”

As Kim Possible proves, there’s certainly scope for a high-school action heroine who has to save the world from evil. Unfortunately, here, the potential largely gurgles down the plughole, in favour of a smug, self-satisfied romantic comedy, that manages to be as bland as a film about teenage lesbians could be. Amy Bradshaw (Foster) gets a perfect score on the test hidden within the SAT, and is recruited into a spy academy; there, with her classmates (Good, Ritchie and the always amusing Devon Aoki), she carries out secret missions, wears plaid skirts and agonises over her relationship with her boyfriend.

So far, so good. Then, by unlikely plotting, she meets and falls for evil mastermind, Lucy Diamond (Brewster), and decides to quit school for Lucy. But does the road of true love ever run smooth? This, unfortunately, is where the film goes off the rails entirely. While I’ve no problems with homosexual love stories – okay, especially where the protagonists are cute and female – Robinson abandons wit for a series of cliches, causing nothing but slow boredom. Originally a ten-minute short, it doesn’t appear any additional ideas went into the script, meaning it’s good for about ten minutes of fun. Logic is all but non-existent, even in the “ironic” D.E.B.S. world: for example, the teachers can teleport around, but at the end, are unable to get past a locked door.

The action isn’t too bad initially, with a sprightly shootout in a restaurant. However, that’s your lot, save the “daring” lesbian angle. Though, being mainstream cinema, it’s just a couple of clothes-on kisses, and bad, unconvincing romance is no fun, regardless of a character’s orientation. This aspect is so po-faced and politically correct – it is, clearly, supposed to be taken Very Seriously – that proceedings come to a grinding halt, while what appears to be the director’s iPod on shuffle plays as a witless soundtrack. Look! An Erasure song! How appropriate! ‘Cos, y’know, they’re gay. Kill me. Kill me now. Then bring me a copy of Naked Killer.

Dir: Angela Robinson
Star: Sara Foster, Jordana Brewster, Meagan Good, Jill Ritchie

Lady Jayne Killer

“Unquestionably flawed but cheesily energetic fluff.”

Memo to self: don’t tell your wife the star of a film was in Playboy. Chris’s interest, already somewhat on thin ice, evaporated entirely, pretty much the moment I made that mistake, and I almost had to handcuff her to the bed to prevent a sudden trip to the supermarket. The concept here is kinda cool: Mom Emily (Eleniak) vs. anti-Mom Jayne (du Page). The latter is a hitwoman for the Mob, with 20 kills to her credit when she decides to abscond with a million in cash. She ends up hitching a ride beside Emily and her 16-year old son Kerry (Lelliot) on their way to San Antonio, with the former owners of the money in hot pursuit. And the cops. And the FBI. Then Kerry – when not fantasizing about Eleniak in the shower [cue Chris’s neo-departure!] – decides to solves Mom’s financial problems with thievery of his own.

I certainly don’t blame them for changing the title from the amazingly bland original – though suspect a colon got lost somewhere on route… And this is contrived: with a cellphone, and more than enough ready cash, Jayne could easily hire a limo – or even take a cab to San Antonio. So why use Emily – then hang around, even after their car breaks down? That sound you hear is the film whistling loudly and putting its fingers in its ears. And despite a strict and straight-laced parent, underage Kerry still sports a Superman tattoo on his arm. This kind of sloppy attention to production detail damages a film which is sometimes smarter than it may appear.

For instance, Emily’s line that her son is knows about every woman who has appeared in Playboy is nicely self-aware, given Eleniak’s familiarity with the staples therein. :-) But she stays dressed here, leaving the lingerie to Du Page, and Kerry’s interaction with the babe dropped into his life are amusing – hey, in his shoes and at his age, I’d be a gibbering fool too. The plot twists its way, albeit predictably, towards the final battle between Mom and anti-Mom. As a time-passer, I found it by no means awful: while it’d have been nice if Emily had snarled “Get away from him, you bitch,” when she found Jayne holding a gun to Kerry’s head, I guess you can’t have everything.

Dir: Mark L. Lester
Star: Erika Eleniak, Julie du Page, Jeremy Lelliot, James Remar
a.k.a. Betrayal

G.I. Jane

“The training Jane stays mainly in the pain…”

The opening hour of this must be great entertainment for sadists, watching Demi Moore get pummelled, ground-down, chewed-up and beaten into a bloody pulp by the war machine, as part of Navy SEAL training. The first woman to go through it, she could open the door for others if she succeeds – which is exactly why the stops are pulled out to ensure she fails. While the most obvious face of this is Master Chief Urgayle (Mortensen – his character here would eat Aragorn for lunch), her political mentor Senator DeHaven (Bancroft) also finds the pressure coming down to pull the plug on this social experiment. But Jan…er, Jordan O’Neil (Moore), won’t give up at any cost, demanding absolutely equal treatment. Of course, after what seems like a 75-minute training montage, she wins the respect of her colleagues, overcoming the Senator’s intervention thanks to a peskily imperfect fax machine.

An eye-poppingly brutal look at what our soldiers go through (leaving me with even more respect for them), it’s the second half where the movie kicks into life. Their final training mission has the SEALS diverted to Libya to help recover a device containing weapons-grade plutonium. This “no man left behind” would be revisited by Scott – and cranked up to the max – in Black Hawk Down, but the restraint he shows here is a lot more effective. To me, showing ability in a combat situation, as our heroine does, would seem a better way of obtaining the admiration of your fellow soldiers – rather than telling Urgayle to “Suck my dick!” But, hey, I’m a civilian, and very happy to be one, so what do I know? It’s a shame there wasn’t a resulting franchise; as the last hour shows, there is a lot of potential for development, with O’Neil kicking butt in a variety of exotic foreign locals. However, at 43, Demi Moore is perhaps too old these days. What’s Jessica Alba doing?

Dir: Ridley Scott
Star: Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen, Anne Bancroft, Jason Beghe

Painkiller Jane (pilot)

“It’ll probably be the audience who need the painkillers to get through this tedious tale.”

This SciFi Channel original movie is based on a comic-book series, but makes some radical changes to the storyline, though the basic idea is intact: a woman becomes immune to injury after the usual mysterious something happens to her [radioactive spider bite, barrel of toxic waste – the usual graphic novel contrivances, in other words]. In the comic, she was an undercover cop; here, she is a Special Forces soldier in Chechnya who is exposed to an experimental biological agent. Naturally, she subsequently finds herself much sought after, by both good and bad factions, since she’s the first to survive the treatment.

And initially, this isn’t so bad, as she escapes from the military, encounters a gentlemen thief and his posse of sidekicks, and tries to get all her mental ducks in a row, so she knows who to trust. As a set-up, it’s fine, with its share of paranoia. However, the longer this goes on, the less interesting it gets: you’d think having a heroine who is virtually immortal, would lead to almost non-stop mayhem. Not here. The action here is very limited and when it does appear, is simply boring – unfortunately, there’s no other word for it.

Now, I know this was intended as much as a pilot for a project TV series as anything, and they have to keep their powder dry for future episodes. But unlike, say, Chameleon, there’s precious little here to make me want to watch, should they decide to bring it back. Indeed, I fell asleep as the “gripping” scene at a shopping mall unfolded. For any action film, that’s about the kiss of death, and while the performances aren’t bad – Vaugier as our heroine has a nice attitude that reminded me of Yancy Butler in Witchblade – there wasn’t nearly enough meat on these bones to satisfy me…

Dir: Sanford Bookstaver
Star: Emmanuelle Vaugier, Tate Donovan, Richard Roundtree, Eric Dane

Blood Angels

“Charlie’s Angels take on The Vampire Lestat. At Coyote Ugly.”

I’ve recently seen movies involving vampires who run a strip-club (Vamps), and witches who run a strip-club (Witches’ Sabbath). Now, we have vampires who’re putting on a rave. It’s nice to see creatures of the night who keep themselves busy. Actually, here, they’re not fully-fledged vampires: indeed, the aim of the rave is a ritual to complete the job, give them shape-shifting powers, etc. – generally, upgrade from the shareware version of vampirism. Of course, one of the vamps has a sister (Baruc) turn up – she looks like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, which is fairly appropriate, as she’s definitely not in Kansas any more. And their creator, Mr. Jones (Lamas), from whom they escaped, is keen to reel them back in…

Oh, did I mention the bloodsuckers are all attractive women, and that for some reason, vampirism now includes kung-fu abilities? [Must be v2.0…] Okay, these rarely rise above “fairly crap”, but the attitude is cool, and it’s just another facet of an odd film that also includes: a Japanese guy who wants to be black, an unfunny transvestite, the Necronomicon, a Hunter S. Thompson lookalike and a final five minutes – before the final credits – which are a hip-hop music video. Bizarrely, it largely works, in a post-Buffy kind of way, with a few lines which made us laugh out loud, such as, “I’m sorry to interrupt this very special episode of Touched by a Vampire.” However, whenever the effects go above the basic level…if a script has snakes leap out of a vampire woman’s breasts and attack someone, or a world-threatening demon, your FX studio had better be able to step up to the plate, rather than fall apart.

While expecting copious nudity – “Lesbian Vampire Spank Inferno”, as Chris put it – there is surprisingly little: like the attacking breasts, perhaps a side effect of having a gay director? Looking back, there were more topless guys than gals, but at least it wasn’t an outright gayfest like David DeCoteau would’ve done. However, I imagine, say, Fred Olen Ray would have had a different vision! Co-writer Lisa Morton also basically disowned it, but while this may be light-years from her concept (the original title presumably went, because no-one had a clue what it meant), this is still more fun than anticipated.

Dir: Ron Oliver
Star: Siri Baruc, Leah Cairns, Lorenzo Lamas, Shawn Roberts

Æon Flux (live-action)

“For Flux’s sake…”

aeonflux14.jpgIt is too early to start speculating about a curse? I mean, we’ve only ever put two banners for movies on our home-page: the first was Catwoman which ended up getting Razzie nominations across the board, and now we have Æon Flux, a film deemed so bad by its studio, they decided not to show it to critics. And given some of the other dreck put out by Paramount this year, with a full promotional push…the results were probably inevitable.

For, y’see, many “proper” critics do not like being deprived of their free screenings with reserved seating, and being made to pay $9 to see the movies with (ugh!) a proper audience. I strongly suspect a significant number phoned in their review without bothering to see see – or, at least, pay attention to – the film, under oh-so-“witty” titles like “Flux Sux”. If the studio basically tells you a movie blows, why argue? [It takes phenomenal guts to go against the tide, but Flux did get some good reviews]

Truth is, of course, it’s not as bad as they’d have you imagine. Not brilliant, sure, but worse films come out, almost any weekend. I’m always happy to see a nicely-detailed take on the shape of things to come, and Flux certainly delivers there, with a Brave New World-like utopia, where everyone is happy…at least on the surface. Of course, if you’re familiar with the excellent Equilibrium, you’ve seen this kind of thing before – but say what you like about the Nazis, they had some great architects, and the same is true here. Particular kudos also to costume designer Beatrix Aruna Pasztor, who deserves an Oscar nomination for her efforts, which have a sleek, futuristic style to them that’s undeniably impressive.

Theron also has the necessary gravitas for the role, and to my ears, even sounded like the character did. She has the tall, spindly appearance too, though the hair is definitely well wide of the mark, and her clothes are – inevitably – toned down from the “fetish wear on amphetamines” depicted in the series. That’s probably a necessity for the PG-13 rating, which also hampers the film in other ways – I’ll say more on that later. But as an adaptation in general, it’s so wide of the mark, you’d be better off ignoring this aspect entirely.

 However, it would probably have been foolish to expect otherwise. Given the dense, impenetrable nature of the series, there’s no way a studio was going to spend $60m to make something like that, to open on 2,000+ screens across America. The storyline here is much more linear, logical…and, well, probably less interesting. 400 years after a virus wipes out 99% of the world’s population, Æon is a Monican rebel, fighting the powers-that-be in Bregna, the only city left. However, when her sister is killed by the authorities, it becomes personal, and she takes on a mission to kill Trevor Goodchild (Csokas). However, when she faces him, she finds herself unable to complete her task, and from there she discovers that life is not quite what it seems. Though the revelations are more likely to provoke a shrug than any actual surprise.

aeonflux1.jpgThe main problem, however, is Karyn Kusama, whose previous work, Girlfight was very good, but was an up-close and personal character study, about as far from the sprawling SF sensibility require here as imaginable. This, I think, summarizes part of the problem with Hollywood and “girls with guns”: they appear to think all action heroines are the same. Hey, you did a film about an inner-city schoolgirl who uses boxing as an escape valve? You’d be perfect to helm an effects-packed, post-apocalyptic, science-fiction movie starring a supermodel gone berserk! No. No. A thousand times no. They should perhaps have gone with producer Gale Anne Hurd, who does at least have an action/SF background, from her work on the Terminator series, Aliens, Hulk, etc. Kusuma seems out of her depth, sad to say.

aeonflux4.jpgThere is some inspired gadgetry, such as Æon’s little explosive balls, which do tricks on command, and her eye, which can see chemical additives in a glass of water. There is also what is presumably a VR implant, letting her enter the 25th century version of a chat-room to get orders from McDormand. The hair-do on Æon’s boss is from the “through a hedge backwards” school of hairdressing, so it appears that customizable avatars were also wiped out by the pandemic. But like most of the costumes and set design, the futuristic infrastructure is generally well-realised.

The supporting cast come off variably well. Okenodo (left) plays another rebel, with hands in place of her feet, a nice touch that deserved better exploration. “I like my shoes” is Æon’s response when asked why she doesn’t get the same surgery – that’s the kind of perfect, cool, cast-off line the film needs more of. Csokas, and Miller as his ambitious brother who will do anything to keep the status-quo, are solid; but McDormand and Pete Postlethwaite are both badly wasted in throwaway roles, the latter dressed to look embarrassingly like, as one review put it, a Hot Pocket.

Then there’s the action. Save the final battle, which actually reaches the giddy body-count levels beloved of the animated series, they’re poorly-edited – second-unit director Alexander Witt helmed Resident Evil: Apocalypse, which has exactly the same problem. You’ve got a heroine to whom calm, athletic poise is apparently second nature: why not show her for longer than two frames, without cutting somewhere else? Hell, Theron got injured making this – not that you could tell by the time this went through the MTV blender. As a result, the fights pose no threat to the heroine, since you haven’t got a clue what’s going on: your average video-game causes more concern for the participants.

This brings me back to that PG13-rating, which means the violence doesn’t have any edge to it – at one point, Trevor Goodchild takes two bullets to the torso, and it barely slows him down. In the animated series, death was an ever-present occupational hazard for Æon, and the result had a dark, tough feel that is very much missing here. Instead, the tone is indistinguishable from any other heroic SF. The sexual tension is also much reduced – though keep an eye out for Theron’s real-life squeeze, Stuart Townsend, who cameos in the opening scene, passing a message with his tongue to our heroine. That, and Æon trapping a fly with her eyelash, are about the only moments truly recognisable from the series – and, truth be told, largely prove only that some things work better in animation.

That’s a fitting summary for the film as a whole. This is not the disaster you might expect from some reviews (hell, it’s a million times better than what we watched the next night, the woeful and inept National Treasure, which somehow managed to become a smash-hit). However, there’s no denying that this is a disappointing conversion of a classic series. Its failure at the box-office puts the final nail in a very mediocre year for the action heroine at the box-office, that staggered from bad to worse: Elektra. Domino. Æon Flux. Shudder. We’ll move rapidly on, and raise a glass of Christmas cheer, in the hope that our favourite genre finds some better success in 2006. When’s Underworld: Evolution out?

Dir: Karyn Kusama
Stars: Charlise Theron, Marton Csokas, Johnny Lee Miller, Sophie Okonedo
a.k.a. Aeon Flux

Halder Gomes and Sunland Heat: Fun in the Sun

Halder Gomes is a 4th degree black belt and blue belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. He’s also a graduate in business administration with an MBA in Marketing, from the University of Fortaleza – so he can write your company a plan, then kick your ass if you don’t follow it. :-) However – and undoubtedly of more relevance to our current location, he’s also the director of Sunland Heat, what may be the first locally-produced action-heroine film from Brazil. In between jetting to festivals with his short film Cine Holiúdy – the Good Guy Against the Bad Guy, and attending the American Film Market, he talked to about the movie.

What came first, martial arts or film-making?
Movies brought me to martial arts, and martial arts brought me to the movies. Actually, martial arts films came first. The first movie I ever saw was in the martial arts genre back in the ’70s. The theater was so precarious – as was the print! – but it still had magic (and inspired my second film). After that screening I decided that I wanted to be a black belt and make movies, but I was only about six years old, just too young to figure out how to put those fantasies together. At that time I lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere in the country side of Brazil, but in spite of this, I that kept the dream in my mind.

Years later, in 1984, when I was doing an exchange program in Drayton Plains, Michigan, I did my first taekwondo class. It was funny, but the reason behind that was absolute boredom. A strong snow storm meant I had to stay in the house with my American family – not speaking any English, I spent time looking at the yellow pages, and I saw a taekwondo logo. When the storm ended, I went for a trial class. I believe that storm was a sign to put those dreams together – it was also just at the time that The Karate Kid was out.

When I came back to Brazil, I met André Lima, who became my taekwondo master; he was also a dreamer, and after the classes we used to talk for hours about going to Hollywood, working in films, etc. If you say that in the US, fine, but where we came from, we were absolutely lunatics! In 1991 André went to live in LA, and he started doing stunts in martial arts films for Philip Rhee, Art Camacho, Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson, etc. That’s where I came along: Art Camacho was a great help, giving me bit parts in his films, and being very enthusiastic about teaching me the film making process.

Where did the idea for the film come from?
Chatting on the sets of martial arts films. My city, Fortaleza, is a beautiful location: a great variety of natural scenarios, sun with no clouds for 6 months straight, fabulous beaches, etc. The city of Fortaleza has been film-friendly, since the ’40s, when Orson Welles spent a long time shooting his never finished It’s All True, but until Sunland Heat, no action films were done there – breaking this barrier was a matter of honor.. I had all those ideas, but no script. So I went to the local film school and placed a note on the hall saying that I was looking for a script writer with a story for an action/martial arts film. I also wanted to show the nice side of Brazil. Most of the movies only show “favelas” – misery, etc. I’m not trying to hide our social problems, but Brazil is not only about that.

What is the Brazilian film industry like?
Our industry is growing, but it’s very different than in the US: it’s all based on tax incentives. You have a project that is submitted to the Brazilian National Cinema Agency. If your project gets approved you are allowed to sell stock bonds to capitalize your budget – companies can buy these stocks, deducting taxes and becoming co-owner of the film. It looks simple, but isn’t. There are very complex bureaucracy issues, plus, it’s still the government’s money anyway. The marketing departments of these companies make the decision on where to invest, but of course only want the films that do well in the box office, and also get as much as possible exposure on the major media, which makes the competition very tough for independents. We don’t have much to offer to them, except our work and stories. We have to fight the majors for the same “food”.

There’s another way of investment, which also is very good for the majors. They are obliged to invest on local production – part of the tax-deductible profits sent to their headquarters in US. But it’s still the same thing: the money barely gets to independents, instead they use it for making co-productions with other big companies. Every state has their own tax incentives as well, and that’s where we fit in, even though, in short, if the Federal Government “pulls the plug”, our industry is over.

How did you go about getting investors?
It was crazy. I raised part of the funds through that local tax incentive program, which was just beginning. I had to spend many, many hours with accountants explaining how the legislation works, and ended up visiting 139 companies within 3 months – only a postman can break my record! – many of them, more than ten times. Out of all those, 13 said “Yes”. The funny thing was, for some of these who said yes, their words after closing the deal were, “You’re crazy, dude – so am I. You have my support, go get into the details with the accounting department”. But the money came little by little, in “homeopathic doses”. Here’s what’s interesting about my investors: I have a shoe store company, a juice company, a jeans textile, sunglasses store, construction material shop, electricity company, telephone company, and so it goes. It’s not easy to sell a film idea to people that have no clue about the entire process.

Why did you decide to have a female lead?
The story that the writer had in mind had a female lead, and I had no objection at all, As a matter of fact, I really liked the idea, especially because the character was not stereotyped. As a matter of fact, my next two scripts have female leads. It’s very easy working with them on set. They listen better, and are more patient! I tried to interfere in the writer’s creative process as little as possible, however, when you have to direct and produce at the same time with a tight budget and schedule, it’s impossible not to have “production versus directing versus writer”. It’s quite normal, but you have to fragment yourself: in the end the lack of time and money wins, so you have to give up shots or full pages of the script.

Did you have specific actors in mind?
Yes, I even had a letter of intent from Cynthia Rothrock. I also had André Lima in mind as a bad guy (which he played), Mathias Hues, Athena Massey. But the entire process took so long due to many problems along the way, than I had to re-think about everything, and decided to open up casting for most of the characters.

Was it a lengthy casting process?
As a matter of fact the casting went fast. I did a two weeks ad in the Back Stage West, and it rained resumés and headshots, about 3,000 in total. I cut to 25 of each character and than started casting. It was a hard time to do it: 9/11 had just happened, the world was still a little bit confused, and many people were scared to death to leave their homes. One of the things that I had also to see was, if the ones I wanted had travelled across borders before. I didn’t want someone to chicken out or panic, because of some little tropical mosquitos or insects, for example! André Lima is an old friend, so is JJ Perry (both world-class taekwondo champions and stunt-men) and they would be the action pillars of the film. For the acting I had the experience of Jay Richardson and Laura Putney, and for the action and acting, I had the versatility of Alex.

Why did you decide to take a role yourself?
All the bit parts that I did in US martial arts films were getting my butt kicked, so, since it was my movie, I wanted to kick some ass and do a nice fight scene with JJ. Unfortunately I had to have anterior cross ligament surgery a little before the film; I never had enough time to heal and perform, which brought me back to where I started: getting my butt kicked! After that I didn’t care about being in front of the cameras anymore. I really like being involved with creation. In my second film, I only have my face on a poster that stands in front of a movie theater.

It was Alex Van Hagen’s first film. Did you have qualms about putting a screen novice in the lead?
Not at all. Actually that was the spirit of the film. My first film, Alex’s first lead role, JJ Perry and André Lima’s first major part, the director of photography’s first feature, etc. Alex did a great job. Her role was not easy. It required very intense acting, especially in the final scene and during the fight in the gym. She prepared herself for that by taking acting classes and adjusting her kickboxing style to taekwondo and mixed martial arts. The film gave lots of opportunities and revealed many talents behind the cameras as well. To tell you the truth, I think producers in the US don’t use JJ appropriately, by not giving him major roles. He can act, and his fighting skills are fantastic. Labeling him as a “stunt man”, is a big mistake, though he is one of the best. He has a real star profile.

As a rookie feature director, how did you feel the first day on set? And overall, was it what you expected?
Absolutely calm. I had no obligation to make a masterpiece, nor the conditions to do it. My sole concern was to get all the shots done by end of day: we only had 4 weeks, due to other commitments for the actors. As a matter of fact, shooting was much easier than post – it’s a big help if you have a good production manager. Basically, it was like I used to see on other sets: people go crazy, yell at each other, hurry, rush and hustle, then hugs and kisses after the wrap shot. But to tell you the truth, filming in Brazil is more fun! Jokes crack people up all the time from everywhere, making the set more relaxed.

It looks like it was mostly done on location. Did that pose any special problems?
Yes, it was all done on location and we had many problems, epecially with sound. Brazil is a very festive country, and there’s always some wild, wasted dude with their stereo in the car at the highest volume. For the scene of Jennifer waking up, there was the sound of a dog barking, and we couldn’t find where it came from – it took us a long time until we found the house! And at the final scene where Jackie gets killed, there was a train route that would pass right by us every five minutes.

Were the action scenes planned out in advance, or created on the day?
I had some initial frames outlining the main action on storyboards – you can see some of them on my web site, in the “cinema” section. From these, JJ Perry could develop the action and fight scenes; we’d discuss it, and since he works fast on his creations, we could practice them right away. But the locations did also play a part in the decisions for certain shots.

You said that a lot had to be removed from the script. Can you tell us more about what was taken out?
Mostly, these were scenes that gave more information about the characters. I also had to remove a car chase on the sand dunes and most of the scenes of the parallel plot, about the casino money that’s been stolen by Laura Putney’s character. The first scene was much longer in the script with a lot more action and LA exterior shots. These cuts were made at the writing stage. During the shoot we had to cut a few things due to production problems along the way: we shot in the rainy season, so had to be very fast, and sometimes instead of covering with many shots, we had to shorten quickly the entire shooting schedule of the day.

It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it.
Laura Putney gets bloodied up for Sunland Heat

After the movie was filmed, I had the option of editing in a more linear way (which I did in a first cut), but then decided to do something different from the usual for action films. I couldn’t afford to have that much action, so I had to keep the attention of the viewer in between these scenes – making the story full of U-turns was the way I found to do it. In the end it split opinions about the structure of the storyline, and that was the intention, otherwise it would have been something made to formula.

These days, it often seems easier to make a film than to find distribution for it. How hard was it for Sunland Heat?
It’s not easy, but I’m extremely persistent, very patient and I would say obsessive. A film is a product like any other, and you have to position yourself in the right niche. When I had the film in the can, I went to the American Film Market and researched what companies had the right profile for my film. After selecting these distributors, I did a check list based on point scores from 0 to 10 – time in the business, references, how they treat you when you approach, professionalism, presence in the major markets, how long their days were at the AFM, etc. It seems crazy, but it’s your film; given everything you had to go through, you don’t want to give it to anyone, just to say “I have a distributor”. After all, you have investors to pay back and finally get paid! Then I started sending screeners: I sent them to the top 3 first, and the #1 on the list, Artist View Entertainment, was the one with which we made the deal.

In Brazil, it was different. When doing post production on Cine Holiúdy, I left a screener at a distributor (Casablanca Filmes), part of the same company as the lab. The film was in their drawer until its premiere in our State film festival. That was a sellout (right): more than 400 people couldn’t get in, causing security problems, and the festival organizers needed other screenings. By coincidence, the distributor’s publisher was there – so were the press and one very respected film critic, Kleber Mendonça Filho, published his review with a headline on the cover of Universo Online, the number one Internet magazine in Brazil. The next day the distributor pulled the film out of their drawer, called me and we made a deal memo. The next week, others did too, including one major distributor.

How has the film been received?
There were many different point of views, like any other film. Some very respected critics in Brazil wrote good reviews about it, pointing out where the movie did well and where not. As for the audience, some liked it because it was not the usual kind of script, some didn’t because they wanted something simpler with more action. Some liked it because there weren’t many gun shots, some didn’t because there weren’t enough. Some liked it because the lead actress had her fragilities as a human being, some didn’t because they wanted something like a superwoman! A good way is to compare reviews from different writers, with other equivalent films. By doing that, I would say it was not so bad for a first film. Cinescape gave a B+, Girlswithguns 3.5/5, Cinemascopio (Brazil) 2.5/5, Yourvideostoreshelf 5/10, ATN zone 2.5/5, and so on.

Halder being interviewed by Jô Soares on Programa do Jô – Brazil’s version of Jay Leno

What do you think about Brazilian cinema at the moment?
It’s growing, in spite of the complete dependency on tax incentives, but we still have a lot to do – especially to get better financial conditions for independents and distributors. Our Ministry of Culture plays an important part for new film makers, by creating funds for shorts, docs, and low budget films; the competition is tough, but it’s what we have. There was a time not long ago, when Brazilians were concerned about going to the theater to see our movies, because we had many problems, technically speaking. Now that’s history: the number one blockbuster this year in Brazil is a local movie, 2 Filhos de Francisco, and I believe it’s only a matter of time before a Brazilian film wins the Oscar for best foreign picture – we came close with City of God and Central Station. New talents emerge all the time: unfortunately, due to the low amount of money in the market, the percentage of good stories that are left to lie in a drawer is higher than in other places.

Looking at the finished product now – and trying to be unbiased! What do you think of it? Would you do anything differently if you had the chance to start over?
I see it in two different ways. One is, what is the film like compared to similar ones, by genre and budget? – and I’m very happy with it. The other way is, comparing it to the first film of known directors, and how they’ve improved. By that measure, after all is said and done, I’m satisfied. Being satisfied with the product doesn’t mean that I’m satisfied with myself. I’ve seen many great directors’ first movies, and their talent is like marble, waiting to be sculpted – sometimes rough, some times naif and primitive – but it’s there. Of course I’m comparing first films made under the same circumstances. I can’t forget where I came from, and that before Sunland Heat, I had never directed or produced even a wedding video. But you must learn the lessons from your own experiences; I’ve learned mine and I do know what I have to improve. I believe I did a bit in my second film; the rain of awards and prizes from film festivals supports that!

My biggest lesson is not to give in over what you want. After working on the production teams of top Hollywood directors, I’ve seen that they get their shots no matter what – and by seeing the final result, most of the time you agree that they were right about being obsessive about it. Looking back, after the film is made, you think many things: happy or lucky to do something this way, regretting not doing it that way. But when you’re there as director, producer, executive producer, production designer, stunt-man, actor, signing checks, etc, you can’t see it as clearly as on the screen, plus things move very fast.

No matter what happens in the future, this will be my most important film, even if I win an Oscar. Being very honest, if I didn’t know what I do now, I don’t know if I would have done anything different. But given the experience I have today, certainly I would take the time to rewrite the script, and have at least a couple of days with my cast for workshops. It’s hard to say that I could do much else different, given the same conditions and being involved in so many ways. I would do the editing different, like at the beginning of the film; I’d have done more pick up shots and have more flashback inserts; and I’d cut it the way I see now.

Since then, you made Cine Holiúdy – the Good Guy Against the Bad Guy. Why did you decide on a short film rather than another feature?
Doing a feature is great, but I didn’t want to repeat the same experience right after. I wanted to do something faster and cheaper, however with great impact. I see the short film as a fight that ends in a knockout, while a feature is decided on points. And raising funds for a feature can take too long. To tell you the truth, I loved doing Cine Holiúdy, it was a script for which I had great passion, and that helps to tell a story of the time and place where I grew up – I’m a nostalgic person, and would say it’s autobiographical.

It turned out to be one of the most successful short films in festivals in Brazil over the past year. It won many best film awards, as well as other categories, and has been screened in festivals such as Raindance in London, and in Romania, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc. It has even been used by executives in Brazil as a tool and foundation, for business speeches and seminars on initiative, solving chaotic situations, creativity, agility, etc!

What are your next plans? Are you planning to stay in the action genre?
In between features, I’ll keep doing shorts for sure – as a matter of fact, my very next project is a short documentary (with an extended 50-minute TV version) about soccer fans in Brazil, with which I won a State writers’ funds contest. The good thing about Cine Holiúdy, is that I have a great “trailer” for a feature-length version and that helps find investors. I see shorts that way, as a bridge to bigger projects.

It’s hard to make plans in Brazil, but I have many projects rolling – the first to get financed will be made first! Another feature idea is also being shown to potential investors, called Sweet Dreams Cinderella. It’s an action/drama story about girls from Fortaleza that go to Europe with promises of decent work, and end up as sexual slaves – it’s based on true stories. There’s also the feature version of Cine Holiúdy, a psycho-thriller short film, and more scripts that I’m writing.

As for Sunland Heat, the film so far has been released in 12 countries, including USA, Japan and UK. In Brazil it will be re-released by Paramount Pictures, along with a comic book as a prelude, briliantly made by local artists. But I don’t want to stay only in the action genre – I like telling stories, no matter what the genre is. Doing a comedy like Cine Holiúdy, that worked for many different cultures in many countries: it definitely made me more confident for all my future ideas.

[Many thanks to Halder Gomes for making the interview – our first! – such a pleasure to do, and assisting with photos too.]