Soeurs D’Armes

“Army dreamers.”

This suffers from being almost exactly the same story as the previous feature we reviewed about women Kurdish fighters going up against ISIS, Les Filles Du Soleil. Both focus on a woman who is kidnapped by ISIS after they sweep through her town, and gets sold into slavery by her captors. She escapes, and joins of the all-female units who are battling the jihadist occupation. Bur there is a family member – in Filles, the heroine’s son; here, her younger brother – who is still with ISIS and has become a child soldier for them. Even if you haven’t seen the earlier film, you’ll not be surprised to hear this plays a key role in the film’s climax. The similarities are so startling, I kept expecting to hear this was a remake. It just appears to be a carbon-copy.

There are some differences, the most notable feature being the multinational nature of the women’s group here. As well as local Yezidi Zara (Gwyn), there are two young Frenchwomen, Kenza (Garrel) and Yaël (Jordana), an American sniper (Nanna Blondell, who was in Black Widow), etc. The ISIS are similar: the chief “bad guy” is English, with a strong Northern accent – though I’ve been unable to take English jihadists seriously, ever since watching Four Lions. It’s no easy task for the women’s commander (Casar) to mesh all these different upbringings, experiences and personalities into a cohesive unit.

And extending the similarity to Filles, the film has the same main weakness, and ends up spreading itself too thinly across the multiple stories it wants to tell. None of them manage to acquire the necessary depth, and most of which are more or less obvious. Not helping, the film has an unfortunate tendency to sink into drippy feminism. The montage sequence of the women training, accompanied by a pseudo-empowering “I am woman, hear me roar”-type song, marked a particular low point. More successful in general is the technically impressive action. The film’s best sequence depicts a battle between the women and a platoon of ISIS troops who are chasing a group of fleeing refugees, which includes Zara. It’s beautifully shot and well-staged, with a genuine sense of tension.

Yet, there are other, almost embarrassingly naive moments, such as the women entering a town their side has just bombed, and standing in the middle of the street for a chat, without checking the area has been cleared. I’m not a soldier, but even I know that’s… not wise. Such gaffes aside, it’s mainly the hackneyed and trite storyline that stops this from achieving any real degree of success. There is certainly a fascinating story to be told in the Kurdish women’s battalions and their part in the war against ISIS.  But that’s now two efforts which appear to have barely scratched the surface, or gone beyond the obvious. Particularly here, they seem more interested in political, religious and gender-based point-scoring than telling a good story.

Dir: Caroline Fourest
Star: Dilan Gwyn, Amira Casar, Camélia Jordana, Esther Garrel

Zrada, by Lance Charnes

Literary rating: ★★★★
Kick-butt quotient: ☆☆☆

Lance Charnes and I are Goodreads friends, and I’ve read and liked two of his earlier novels; so he offered me a free review copy of this newly-published book. (There wasn’t any guarantee that I’d also like this one, but he does know my tastes pretty well.) The opener for a projected new series, this tale spins off from the author’s DeWitt Agency Files, and Carson (no first name!), the protagonist here, is an important character in the opener for the first series, The Collection. (This review avoids spoilers for Zrada, but might have some for the former novel.)

The DeWitt “Agency” operates on the edge (and sometimes over the edge) of legality in the world of super-expensive art objects trade, a milieu with a decidedly dark underbelly, which the author has thoroughly researched. But, besides the change from a male to a female protagonist, where I classified the original series as crime fiction, I’d classify this one more as straight action-adventure. The emphasis here isn’t on art, the mechanics of art swindles, etc.; the art in the story is more of a McGuffin, with the emphasis on action, danger, derring-do, weapons and explosions. (This book is set in 2016, the same year the original book was published, and the author establishes that the events in the latter have already happened.)

Ex-cop Carson (she’s divorced, but still uses her married name) is a complex, thoroughly round and very distinctive character, and a highly private person with her share of secrets. (We get to know her here in much more depth than we do in The Collection, though she was also well-realized there.) Abrasive, prickly, potty-mouthed and tough as nails, she works as a mercenary for Allyson DeWitt, and also hires out, albeit reluctantly, as an occasional hit woman for a Russian mob boss, in order to protect family who are under his gun –though she does draw a firm line in the sand against harming innocents. As that suggests, there’s more moral depth to her than you might at first think; she’s actually a person of very real integrity and honor. She’s got a conscience that she listens to; her word’s her bond, and she cares about people, though she doesn’t trust or make friends easily.

This time out, Carson’s mission is legally and ethically unobjectionable. Back in 2009, two valuable 15th-century paintings were stolen in a burglary at a German museum. Now, they’ve fallen into the hands of a Chechen fence, who’s wiling to return them to the legal owner –for 2 million Euros. If he made that exchange in any peaceful, law-abiding country with an honest and functional police force, he’d be arrested in minutes. So, he’s set up the meeting in the lawless, war-ravaged Donbass, Ukraine’s break-away Eastern region, and cut a cash-strapped (but well-armed) rebel militia into the deal as his partners. The DeWitt Agency is handling the swap. Our heroine’s job is to deliver the cash safely, act as bodyguard for the museum staffer who can authenticate the paintings, and bring both of the latter back intact, come hell or high water.

Besides being obviously combat-capable, she landed the assignment because she speaks both Ukrainian and Russian; though raised in Canada, she’s of Ukrainian stock (her maiden name was Tarasenko). As the book opens, she, the museum expert, and the Agency’s local “associate” and his two minions are pulling into the meeting place. Her nerves are on edge; a LOT of wealth is going to be on the table here, and she’s surrounded by hungry, desperate strangers (or people she knows to be morally dubious) for many miles around. (And readers who know Ukrainian won’t be reassured by the book title; it’s the word for “betrayal”….)

Here as in The Collection, Lance writes in the present tense; this takes a moment or two of getting used to if your mind is expecting past tense. But I’ve encountered this technique before in a number of books, so adjusted quickly; and it does create a sense of “you-are-there” immediacy. The plotting has its twists and turns, but it’s mostly quite believable; it’s also focused on one strand, though from different perspectives, and tautly compressed in time, occupying just nine days. Narration is in third-person, but in the vocabulary of whatever character is the current viewpoint one (usually Carson, if she’s present).

For me, it wasn’t a quick read; the author’s prose style is straightforward, but there are a lot of Slavic personal and place names (a character list and real-world map of the geographical setting is provided) and references to unfamiliar-to-me types of guns and military hardware to wade through, and I found myself reading more carefully to pick up details of description and action. However, it’s a very gripping, involving read which quickly engaged me emotionally. The narrative pace itself is quite fast, and while the action isn’t “non-stop” (any book in which it actually is would by definition be pretty shallow otherwise, which this one definitely isn’t!), there’s a lot of it, steadily punctuating the narrative. Vivid, realistic and well-realized action scenes are one of this author’s fortes.

An even more important one is development of nuanced characters who come to life as understandable people, on both sides of the country’s civil war. For instance, the militia characters are not cartoon villains, or necessarily “villains” at all, as such. Some characters definitely ARE villains (though not cartoonish ones), but even they may have an admixture of better qualities along with their sleaze. Fans of action heroines here will have the added plus of meeting another fighting female, ex-Ukrainian National Guard soldier Galina, who’s far from a Carson clone (she’s a developed, distinct character in her own right), but who can more than pull her weight in a combat situation.

There’s no sex here, just some passing references to past sexual activity (Carson’s trust issues and low opinion of marriage and males, which her one try at the former didn’t help, give her the ratchet towards commitment-free flings that you’d expect). A number of characters have foul mouths, often shaped by military culture (both Ukrainian and Russian have an exact parallel to the American f-word, which the author translates :-( ), but that’s realistic for the character types, and, refreshingly, not everybody does.

Despite the cruelty and greed often in evidence here, this is at its core a profoundly moral novel, whose messages (delivered by example rather than sermonizing) encourage readers to be kinder, less selfish, more honest and caring in their treatment of other people. My main quibble was with decisions by a couple of characters that, IMO, served the plot rather than being in character and/or very smart (and Carson’s not stupid!) But that doesn’t keep me from highly recommending this to action fans.

Author: Lance Charnes
Publisher: Wombat Group Media; available through Amazon, both for Kindle and as a printed book.
A version of this review previously appeared on Goodreads.

Girls With Guns Calendars 2021

Welcome to our eleventh annual round-up of girls with guns calendars. This one almost slipped my mind until I suddenly realized it was November 30! Still, given the all-round awfulness of the year, what better way to pass the time, then to look forward to 2021? The sooner it gets here, the better, I’d say… We do bid farewell to one of the icons of the genre, with Hot Shots having retired after their 2020 edition – maybe they knew what was coming this year! And sadly, it seems the pandemic and resulting shutdown has taken its toll, with definitely a smaller number available this time round.  Still, below, you’ll find prices (generally excluding shipping), sample images and links to purchase for all the calendars we could find. We’ll add more if we see them, feel free to email us if you know of any others

TAC GIRLS – $18.95

“The Tactical Girls® 2021 Bikini Gun Calendar is our Best of the Best Edition, with 13 months of the best photos from our 13 year history. Many of these shots were originally our cover photos or hugely popular fan favorites. For example, June 2021 is our 2010 cover model, Erin Banks with an M249 SAW, Vanessa Swainston, the 2013 cover with an Surgeon .338LM is January 2022 and our cover is Robin Raider from October 2019 with a DRD Paratus with a shoutout to the Marines. Every 2021 Best of the Best Tactical Girls Calendar comes with a 12X24 mini Poster insert with the cover girl Robin Raider on the front and a collection of other great shots on the reverse. It slides out of the calendar, no tearing or staples to pull. The remaining memorable shots bring you 13 months the best photos with some of the world’s most exotic weaponry in realistic tactical settings. The 2021 Tactical Girls Calendar Best of the Best Calendar includes the KRISS Vector SMG, the Cadex CDX-30 Guardian Precision Rifle and the Kel-Tec KSG Tactical Short bullpup Shotgun. All of these, along with a variety of carbines, battle rifles, machine guns, pistols and sniper rifles, all with gorgeous models in realistic settings.”


:It’s the year 1777 and King George III has lost control of his naughty children. Even Captain America’s ass can’t compare to these Belles of the Revolution.  Get ready for another year as they pose for liberty and the right to bear arms, shoulders, and legs. Each month, the ladies portray important female figures (both famous and obscure) who nonetheless fought along side the men during the war that birthed our nation. The designs for this 2021 calendar is inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Alminac.” It features a Lunar calendar, a measurement tool on the side, and a bit of important wisdom from our second president & founder, John Adams, and —of course as always— girls with firearms.  This calendar also showcases the dates for some of the most infamous battles of the revolution. Only Federally observed  holidays are included in this calendar. The calendar also includes a 12″ x 18″ centerfold pull out poster.”

GUNS AND GIRLS – available through Amazon, $13.92

The website doesn’t seem to have been updated, but there does appear to be a new edition of this one available. Though maybe “Guns N Girls” is different from ‘Guns % Girls”? “The 2021 GUNS AND GIRLS wall calendar is packed with beautiful pin up models and many of today’s most popular weapons, everything from handguns to AR15s. This 16 month large format calendar is 17″x 28″ when hung up and a perfect gift for any Armed Service Member, Police Officer or Shooting Enthusiast. Also includes a bonus 12 month poster inside giving you two calendars in one package!”

ZAHAL GIRLS – $25.90

“We are proud to present our new ZAHAL Girls Calendar which combines the best of both sexy models and the tactical gear world. No gun bunnies! Only IDF veterans. Size is Approx A3. No gun bunnies! Only IDF veterans.”


In a cunning marketing plot, this one is available in two versions. Safe For Work ($19,95): “The safe for work version, features classic Weapon Outfitters landscape and portrait photography with a variety of models. Featuring:  Alex Zedra, fan-favorite Eva, Silvia Kitsune, KC, with special appearances from the Tacticats, Vanellope Von Floof, and more!”

Not Safe For Work ($29.95): “Twelve months of Weapon Outfitters After Dark (WOAD) spice! Not compliant with HR departments, nor endorsed by jealous girlfriends and wives. Featuring a published models including but not limited to: Casey, Calypso, Tabi, and Aurora! The 2021 NSFW calendar is a mix of studio and landscape photography. ”


“The Dillon Precision 2020 Calendar is in stock and ready for your reloading room, office, or wherever you want to display the World’s Finest Models and Firearms.”


“The traditional “Alpha Gun Angels” Calendar has arrived! This time we took our Calendar’s photםshoot to the next level! We gathered our BADASS squad to a crazy photoshoot in a CHOPPER! Every month will feature one of our GORGEOUS and BADASS girls with our sponsored products!”


Not strictly a GWG calendar, but I think there’s enough overlap – as well as going by the pic of the bonus poster below – that it may be of interest. :) This is a fairly long-running charity effort, with the proceeds going to fight breast cancer since 2017.