M and the Last Hell Gate, by Mark William Hammond

Literary rating: ★★★½
Kick-butt quotient: ☆☆☆

In my review of the first two volumes in the trilogy, I concluded the third would only be read at a discount price. Enter my accidental purchase of Kindle Unlimited, which allowed me to pick it up at no additional cost. And, on balance, I’m fairly glad I did. It was always going to be something of a problem since, as noted previously, parts 1+2 were basically two-thirds of a single entity. Part 3 does a good job of tying things up, with a grandstand climax deep in the Tibetan Alps. There, M and her twin sister Lien, with whom she was recently re-united, have to take on bone goddess Baigujing. The demon queen has opened up a third and final hellgate, which is the Channel Tunnel in comparison to the previous, fun-sized portals to hell which M has had to close up.

It does take a while to get there, admittedly. Distractions on the road to Tibet are provided by increasing attacks from wendigos in the New York subway system; a threat to M’s adopted family; and her off-again, on-again relationship with Gotham detective Antony DeAngelo. All of these manage to provide their share of entertainment, M slicing and dicing, with the unstoppable ribbon sword, through all that get in her way. My main issue was the lack of closure. Sure, the main threat is addressed. But for something that’s supposed to be the final entry in the saga, there was no particular sense of finality. It wasn’t even clear what happened to M, who was described as “dying,” yet seemed to be clinging to life, half way up a Himalaya. The status of Lien, gravely wounded in the battle against Baigujing’s minions, was similarly uncertain, and poor Antony seemed to get forgotten about entirely.

That said, the journey to get there is quite satisfactory. Hammond has a great sense of location, whether he is describing Chinatown, the tunnels beneath New York City or the lofty heights of the Tibetan mountains. He also manages to tie together various disparate mythologies so that they mesh into a single, coherent universe. There’s clearly a hierarchy in hell and, as in the first two volumes, it’s a world which is interesting to visit, though you certainly wouldn’t want to live there. This is written with a dry sense of wit, which helps overcome the suspension of disbelief needed for the scenario to make sense, e.g. that the wholesale slaughter of subway workers would not trigger a mass shutdown of the network.

It’s still a solid page-turner, and I certainly can’t complain about the climax, which is exactly the epic, grand-scale confrontation expected, and to which only the written word can do justice. Well, that or a $200 million budget. I’m happy enough with this one, even if I suspect I’ll have to wait for a hypothetical fourth volume to achieve any kind of resolution.

Author: Mark William Hammond
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, available through Amazon, both as a paperback and an e-book
3 of 3 in the Demon Realm series.

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