Welcome to GirlsWithGuns.org, a site which has been live on the Internet since St. Valentine’s Day 2003. The domain name was bought for me by my wife, Chris, knowing of my love of action heroines, and a long-term interest in cult movies, as well as writing about them, and has grown from small beginnings to the hefty tome you see before you.
There are various ways you can access the site content. The reviews section lists all content by title, while the ‘Seal of approval’ section is all the movies that come with our personal recommendation. Your mileage, of course, may vary… The chronological list on the sidebar will let you see all content for a particular month – however, you should note that many of my earlier entries were not originally dated. When imported in to the current site, they have generally been given a date of January 1, 2003. I wouldn’t rely on the specific day for any others, but the month/year should be fairly accurate.
You can also check out the ‘New’ page, if you’re looking for the most recent updates – that’ll show you the last 2-3 months worth of content – or use the search box on the top right, if you are looking for a particular person.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/girlswithguns.org
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/girlswithgunsdotorg
Review copies, etc:
Jim + Chris McLennan
PO Box 13653,
AZ 85267
[It’s actually at the bottom of each page, but you probably missed it!]